We Invite & Welcome All To Grow In Faith

Serving One Another


Prayer Request

Prayer requests can be public or held in confidence by the staff. To submit a prayer request please fill out the Contact Us form or call the church office.

Hospitality Team

Our Hospitality Team provides receptions for funerals and other community gatherings. Contact Pastor Ruth Ann for more info.

Worship Assistants

Many people serve as ushers, lectors, assisting ministers, communion assistants and sound system operators in order to make worship possible.

Altar Guild

Learn how we prepare for Holy Communion and decorate the sanctuary throughout the church year by joining the Altar Guild. Contact Pastor Ruth Ann for more info.

Prayer Shawl Team

The Prayer Shawl Team usually meets the first Monday of each month at 1:00pm. All crochet and knitting levels are welcome. Prayer shawls are made to offer support and prayer. Contact Barb Brackin-Bartel or the church office for more info or to request a prayer shawl.

Stephen Ministry

Contact Pastor Ruth Ann for more info.

Caring Eucharistic Ministers

Contact Pastor Ruth Ann for more info.


Contact the church office for more info.

Gifts Of Joy

Contact Pastor Ruth Ann for more info.

Library Team


Quilters meet weekly to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Contact the church office for more info.