We Invite & Welcome All To Grow In Faith

First Time Visitors


When Is Worship?

  • We have two worship services: Saturday 5:30 PM & Sunday at 9:30 AM.

What’s An ELCA Lutheran?

ELCA stands for Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you are not at all familiar with the Lutheran Church, here is the place to start: www.elca.org/en/About

How Should I Dress When Visiting?

People wear everything from a jacket and tie to a t-shirt and jeans during church services. When visiting, dress how you are comfortable. It is Colorado, that is what we do!

What If I Have Kids?

Children are welcome here! They can sit with you in worship or head to the church nursery if they are 6 and under. We also have children’s bulletins and crayons for the kids. During worship the children will be invited to come forward for a children’s message and then forward for communion where they can receive the elements or a blessing. If they get restless and noisy, no matter, this is what children do and we love it.

From September through May, our Sunday school hour starts at 10:45 am. Children participate in singing, Bible lessons, and lots of fun. If you are trying to find a church that welcomes kids, you’re in the right spot!

What Is Your Worship Style?

Our church is liturgical. That means we not only follow the seasons of the church year – Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, but also the ancient form of worship: confession and forgiveness of sins, scripture readings, sermon, prayers and Holy Communion. We sing hymns and every month include one jazz or Celtic service as well.

What About Holy Communion?

We celebrate Holy Communion at every service and all are invited to participate. We even have an official statement about this: “This is God’s table. All are welcome.” Bread, wine, grape juice and gluten free wafers are available

Any Other Questions We Can Answer For You?

  • Call the church (970) 669-5983 office or email office@aplace2grow.org. Office Hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.